Quotes About the Artwork of Thomas C. Jackson
Recent photographs, oils, and drawings by Thomas C. Jackson
presented by Legion
Arts at CSPS
Feb 8 - April 2, 2006
Reception to meet the artist Fri Feb 10, 5-7 pm
Open Weds through Sun 11 - 6, free admission
1103 Third St SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401-2305

No. 19, color photograph, 2005, 20" X 15"
American Snapshots
Recent works by
Thomas C. Jackson
Jackson's Recent photographs, oils and drawings
focus on finding the extraordinary in ordinary American life, and on reflecting
the mood and feeling of our era.
As one of the most innovative and dynamic arts
presenters in the upper Midwest, Legion Arts is an acknowledged leader
in community development; the support of cultural diversity; programmatic
innovation; and drawing connections between the local arts scene and national
organizations and funders.
