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Packaged Balloons

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Packaged Balloons; pencil, watercolor, and gesso; 1974; 7" X 9"

This wash drawing was exhibited at the 39th Annual Mid Year Show at the Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH in 1975. The sole judge for this juried exhibit wasThomas Armstrong, Director of the Whitney Museum of American Art.


As an M.F.A. student at the University of Notre Dame, I was under the mistaken impression that if I could learn to draw and paint exactly what I saw, I would have arrived at the destination I wanted my art career to be at. I quickly learned that achieving control of the various media was only a starting point. I began my lifelong search for what (and why) to draw, paint, photograph, etc. My early efforts were to find unusual still life subject matter. This included packaged balloons, work rope, paper bags, scarves, a dartboard, lawn chairs, etc.